12 Days of Giving: Day 12 Eric Lewis Basher

12 Days of Giving: Day 12 Eric Lewis Basher


Happy 12th and final day of Giving! Today's Toy for Tot's featured artist is the incredibly talented Eric Lewis Basher! I am a huge fan of Eric's work and am very excited to share a little about his art and store. As a final reminder: for each purchase of Eric's art and products today ArtLifting will be donating a toy for Toy's for Tots. 

Lewis has a special relationship with art. He shares, “Art is the first thing I’ve felt comfortable with for years. It allows me to express my thoughts in a much better way than standing on the corner turning in circles and screaming. It brings order out of the chaos that’s usually in my mind. It has pulled me out of the insanity that my life has become. It quiets the voices in my head; alleviates my anxiety disorders and the crazy thoughts that I have and the things that I see. ”

Lewis currently works on his art every day, elaborating, "about 20% of the time spent on a piece is actually drawing. The rest of the time is stepping back and watching it form."

Lewis makes art through the San Francisco’s Hospitality House, a shelter, drop-in center, employment program and community arts studio located in San Francisco's Tenderloin District. He is excited to sell his work "to find out where it belongs in the world of art.”

Six percent of Americans living with schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder are currently homeless. These 200,000 individuals represent a population larger than Hartford, CT and Reno, Nevada to name a few. Despite all the challenges E. Lewis faces his art shines through along with his talent.

Looking at E. Lewis Basher's work I am shocked by the level of detail and depth. What I first perceived to be a simple drawing, on closer inspection is actually a bright and extravagant narrative and portrait of the artist's story. Eric's use of color and composition sets his art apart of course, but it is really his subject matter and unique perspective that brings him to the next level. His work has been widely accepted and a few pieces even hang in the corporate offices for Microsoft in San Francisco. 

Please take a look at some of his work and allow yourself to see past the initial drawing into the greater depth and story of his work and life, you will most surely not regret it!

art artists ArtLifting giving holiday social impact

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