
"The story begins in Westworld, a fictional, technologically advanced Wild-West-themed amusement park populated by android "hosts". The park caters to high-paying guests who may indulge their wildest fantasies within the park without fear of retaliation from the hosts, who are prevented by their programming from harming humans. Later on, the series' setting expands to the real world, in the mid-21st century, where people's lives are driven and controlled by a powerful artificial intelligence, “listening to the opening of this series takes me to a place that reminds me of Utah, Ohio, California or the Grand Canyon different places I would love to travel”."

- Justin Ellis

Prints are produced on demand on stretched canvas, acrylic plexi, or giclee fine art paper in a variety of sizes here in the United States.

Contact ArtLifting for larger size options.

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Temple - ArtLifting

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Prayers Riding the Thermals - ArtLifting
Artwork: Prayers Riding the Thermals by Cheryl Kinderknecht, Temple by Jeff Diener