
Prints are produced on demand on either mounted canvas, acrylic plexi, or giclee fine art paper in a variety of sizes here in the United States. High quality print reproductions for your home or office designed by artists living with homelessness or disabilities..

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Guy Conners (he/him/his)


“I want my art to look good and keep raising money to help The Arts of Life.”

Guy Conners is no stranger to living a disciplined life to achieve his goals. With a keen sense of visual perception, Guy has developed his own style of photorealism. Painting in a photorealistic style takes a great amount of patience and discipline, which has helped in other areas of his life. “I ran my first full marathon in 3:27:04,” explains Guy. “I ran a marathon and helped the studio.” 

Utilizing a variety of media including colored pencils, paint, and oil pastels, Guy’s work focuses on the often-overlooked details that build life. Never feeling intimidated by the details in his reference photographs, Guy methodically breaks down his compositions into the key qualities he wants to elevate. A feeling of depth, visual texture, and the character of the subject are always present in Guy’s paintings.

The Arts of Life has become a community that is incredibly important to Guy. Arts of Life is an organization that provides artists with intellectual and developmental disabilities a collective space to expand their practice and strengthen their leadership. His fellow artists, the staff, and volunteers are ever present in his work. It can be easy to overlook the people and places you see everyday, but not for Guy. Those are the details that he cannot ignore and they continue to bring him joy.

More Artwork by Guy Conners

OKAY guy-conners

Prints by Guy Conners (he/him/his)

Chicago Cable
Guy Conners
Guy Conners
Red Flower
Guy Conners
Rainbow Ocean 2
Guy Conners
Guy Conners
Guy Conners
Chicago Cable
Guy Conners
Red Flower
Guy Conners
Guy Conners
Guy Conners

ArtLifting champions artists impacted by disabilities and housing insecurity by connecting their art with socially-conscious customers . Learn more here.