Jungle Soul

Prints are produced on demand on either acrylic plexi or giclee fine art paper in a variety of sizes here in the United States. High quality print reproductions for your home or office designed by artists living with homelessness or disabilities.

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Laurie Aman (she/her/hers)

Ann Arbor, MI

After falling from a tree in 2011 and experiencing a T-10 spinal cord injury, Laurie decided not to let her injury get in the way of her art. Although her graduate school plans were put on hold, she continues to cultivate her spirit and passion. She now works with the RiseUp Gallery, an adaptive art studio in Miami, Florida that provides art workshops for newly injured patients living with a variety of ailments including spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, and multiple sclerosis.

Putting her bachelor’s degree in Sculpture and Digital Art & Design to use, Laurie also teaches art with a special emphasis on integrating different art forms, thereby allowing each individual to meet his or her specific interests and needs. After working with an art therapist, Laurie feels that "others who suffer from this kind of trauma would benefit from the limitless potential of the healing arts."

Laurie aims to express her life motto through art and teaching: "Give to community, live spontaneously, love universally, co-create with me!"

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Prints by Laurie Aman (she/her/hers)

Jungle Soul
Laurie Aman

ArtLifting champions artists impacted by disabilities and housing insecurity by connecting their art with socially-conscious customers . Learn more here.